Hi there, I'm implementing a dissector. Whenever, I add a subtree by using proto_item_add_subtree() to my protocol tree, It appears in the GUI interface of wireshark expanded by default. I've noticed this not the case with the others dissectors such as SSL for example ( Its subtrees are collapsed by default). I want my subtrees to look collapsed by default also but I'm not sure how! Any help,hints would be appreciated.... thanks. asked 02 Dec '14, 21:08 flora |
One Answer:
You are probably using the same ett_ variable for all your subtrees, leading to this behavior. Use a different ett_ variable per subtree type and they will appear collapsed. The opened one will be remembered when you change the packet viewed. answered 02 Dec '14, 22:14 Pascal Quantin |
This works for me. I was using the same tree type for all of my subtrees. Thanks!