Hi All, I am having difficulties getting the TCP Window value using below: struct tcp_analysis *tcpd=NULL; tcpd=get_tcp_conversation_data(conversation,pinfo); tcpd->stream - This works as I get the stream index number tcpd->fwd->window or tcpd->rev->window - This comes back with -1 Is the correct approach or am I doing something wrong? Much appreciated. Version 1.11.3 (SVN Rev 54962 from /trunk) Windows XP MS Visual C++ 10.0 build 40219 asked 07 Dec '14, 07:48 DennisVecchio |
One Answer:
I had 'analyze tcp sequence number' in tcp protocol preference disabled. I enabled it and all is good. answered 07 Dec '14, 13:23 DennisVecchio |