Hi, I try to capture vlan tags on Atheros ar8161. I have read this instruction http://wiki.wireshark.org/CaptureSetup/VLAN but I cant find solution for vlan stripping on Atheros interface. Maybe somebody had solved this problem? asked 30 Dec '14, 14:19 ortep |
One Answer:
If you are trying to do this on Windows and it does not work (you are no seeing VLAN tags), then your Windows AR8161 driver (probably) strips VLAN tags. If there is no option in the advanced driver settings or regsitry keys (ask your vendor), you still have the option to boot Linux from a CD or a flash drive. There are many distributions that include Wireshark. One I like is Kali: Regards answered 30 Dec '14, 14:28 Kurt Knochner ♦ |
I asked about Windows 7 64bit - can't find any stripping option in driver settings. I try to define MonitorMode/PreserveVlanInfoInRxPacket in registry but nothing happend.
Lets say that I must use Windows. Can I install Kali on virtual machine (VirtualBox) and forward all network traffic (with vlans) to virtual interface?
because that's Registry entries for other drivers
Maybe, see here:
However, if your adapter (in hardware) or your driver strips VLAN tags, it might not work.