Please forgive me for asking a very basic question. Periodically, the Wireshark log on one of my PCs shows a flood of entries in white on a red background (I haven't altered the default colour settings). They are all from external IP addresses using TCP, all of length 60, and the info column for each begins '80 {right-arrow} 49xxx [RST}'. Following up some of these IP addresses reveals that a fair number come from marketing companies such as and Yahoo Ad Manager. Should I be worried? And how can I stop this happening? Many thanks in anticipation. Jonathan asked 15 Jan '15, 04:25 jonathanc |
One Answer:
Most certainly no.
If you installed a lot of free tools, chances are pretty high that you've installed those background AD tools anlongside with the free tools. So, how can you stop that AD traffic? Be carefull what you install on your system! Regards answered 15 Jan '15, 06:05 Kurt Knochner ♦ |
Thanks, Kurt - I'm reassured. I thought I'd been very careful what I installed, but obviously not careful enough - I'll be more so in future!
Thanks again