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loading to a remote dedicated computer


I need to load Wireshark to a computer that never gets hooked to the internet. This is for testing a remote closed system and it is forbidden to have internet connections. Is the a way to load this to a thumbdrive and transfer it to the remote computer?


asked 15 Jan '15, 08:15

hardwaredan's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

One Answer:


Sure, you can either put the installer on the thumbdrive and run it on the remote computer to install Wireshark, or use the portable version. Both can be downloaded at

Keep in mind that the portable version also needs to install drivers to capture data, just like the install version does.

answered 15 Jan '15, 08:25

Jasper's gravatar image

Jasper ♦♦
accept rate: 18%

you can also boot the computer with a Linux Dsitribution that contains Wireshark, like Kali.

(15 Jan '15, 08:29) Kurt Knochner ♦

Note that the development branch (1.99) conforms to the current PortableApps standards. I'm not sure about the 1.12 branch.

(15 Jan '15, 08:47) Gerald Combs ♦♦