Hi i have to develop a dissecctor similar to 3g/lte protocols. One good thing is i have ASN1 code for the protocols for different layers. i have adaption layer , control layer and connection layer. I have the asn1 file and how to i generate plug in dissector? I have gone through toyasn1 example could not understand which asn1 file i should put first which one 2nd. and how do i link each other, Anyone help me?? asked 18 Jan '15, 17:34 Kuhan |
One Answer:
I'm not sure I understand the question. If it's 3 protocols perhaps you should have 3 dissectors? If not look at the other asn1 based dissector. There is plenty of 3gpp specified ones. If your protocol is similary structured. If the specifications are publically available provide a link. answered 18 Jan '15, 22:45 Anders ♦ |
hi Anders Thanks for your response. i have 3 different layers physical Layer --> control layer --> Connection Layer --> Adaption layer. If we leave physical layer then i have 3 different ASN1 files. How do i relate these ? as you said if i create seperate dissector for all 3 then how do i connect each other ? its is similar to 3G protocol layers running on top of UDP layer
Hard to say without knowing the details of the protocol(s) and how the ASN1 files correlates. But if say the Connection layer has something like AdaptaionLayerData ::= OCTET STRING then you have to use the .cnf to insert code to call the AdaptationLayer Dissector with a tvb containing the "OCTET STRING" that would then be the "entry point" to AdatationLayer.asn1 AplicationLayerMessage ::= SEQUENCE OF ....