I have Wireshare 1.12.1 installed on my Linux Mint 17 box. All is well except that on the main screen in the space for typing in a disply filter, no syntax checking is being performed. The field does not turn red when an incorrect filter is typed, and it doesn't turn green when a correct one is. Anyone see this happen before with Linux? asked 18 Jan '15, 19:46 iThrive |
One Answer:
I think that may have been a bug,is Wireshark built with GTK3? If you can update to the latest 1.12. version I think it's fixed there. answered 18 Jan '15, 22:39 Anders ♦ |
Thanks for your reply, and yes, it was built with with GTK+ 3.10.8. I did however download it from a PPA source as a pre-built package for Linux Mint (.deb based distro). I suspected it was a bug. I take it I will have to build from source then in order to upgrade to 1.12.3 as I don't think the latest version is available a pre-built package for Linux (or at least not Linux Mint).
Since 1.12.1 is the latest available package for a deb based distro (such as Linux Mint), I had to download the 1.12.3 source. I have built it using GTK3+ fine but nothing changed. It still does not fix the syntax checking issue. I have also tried building with Qt but have run into nothing but issues there (as I'm not very familiar with building from source) so I can't confirm if this is a GTK issue or not.
Any ideas?
It is working fine here with GTK+ 3.12.2 when running on Ubuntu 14.10. The bug Anders was referring to (https://bugs.wireshark.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=8598) is already merged in 1.12.X releases.