Hello, I have never installed dropbox on my computer so why does wireshark show the following?
im running windows 7 thanks asked 25 Jan '15, 15:01 shinbone edited 26 Jan '15, 02:38 grahamb ♦ |
2 Answers:
Another possibility is that something else happens to use the port (17500) that the Dropbox Lan Sync dissector registers for. There doesn't appear to be any validation in the dissector that the protocol is the expected one. What did the protocol tree show for the packet in question? Can you post the capture somewhere public, e.g. CloudShark, Google Drive or (oh the irony) Dropbox? answered 26 Jan '15, 02:44 grahamb ♦ |
Another system on your network ( is probably using Dropbox. If that is your address, you should probably check if Dropbox was installed as an "add-on" for another piece of software. Regards answered 25 Jan '15, 17:46 Kurt Knochner ♦ |
I forgot my gf is using dropbox. anyway I didnt expect to see it on my pc as I thought wireshark only shows network connections on my own pc. thanks
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