I would like to hire a Wireshark expert to analyze capture files. I have posted this work on Guru.com, Freelancer.com and Craigslist but have had no responses. I'm starting to wonder if there are actually any W-shark experts out there. Can anyone suggest where I might find Wireshark talent? THANKS! -Mike asked 01 Feb '15, 10:24 mem5449 |
4 Answers:
If you need a little assistance in the analysis, you can post your (specific) question(s) here and there are quite a few people here that can assist you. If you are looking for a freelance protocol analyst, there are a couple of people (myself included) that provide troubleshooting services. Maybe you can enlighten us a little bit more on the problem you're facing? answered 01 Feb '15, 14:02 SYN-bit ♦♦ |
Here, and maybe the wireshark users mail list would be a good start. answered 01 Feb '15, 12:16 grahamb ♦ |
While protocol analysis in general is its own skill, a lot of the methodology is based on the protocol(s) and technology(s) in question. Also, since usually protocol analysis is just a small part of one person's job (eg: a network administrator), few in the field will use it every day as a dedicated profession. Personally if I wanted to hire a protocol analyst for just that one role, I'd start by looking at all the talent in the analytics companies, and those who develop network probe solutions that do that sort of analyzing (eg: Tektronix). Though, like I said it would depend a bit on exactly what sort of protocols you need analyzing. answered 01 Feb '15, 12:41 Quadratic edited 01 Feb '15, 12:42 |
There has been a discussion about this kind of thing here: I guess SYN-bit and Kurt Knochner (see user list) still do this. Otherwise you may find someone at the Garland Technologies Expert corner. answered 01 Feb '15, 14:03 Jasper ♦♦ edited 01 Feb '15, 14:04 Nope, I'm out ;-) @SYN-bit would cretainly be the best choice for the OP. (01 Feb '15, 14:23) Kurt Knochner ♦ |
Hi SYN-bit,
THANKS for your answer! I was originally hesitant to ask for help just cause most tech forums I've visited over the last few years, members seem to flame folks like me saying I'm asking them to 'do my work for me for free'. Which I am definitely not. And THANK you again, especially for being civil.
I have 2 clients I been trying to help solve their network issues. One has a small network that comes to a CRAWL intermittently (1 WinServ2003 & 5 Win7 PCs) and the other is a med/large network (exchange server, 60 PCs) experiencing intermittent POP and SMTP errors. I have captures for both. Each is a series of 30MB files. With my very limited WS experience I have found the 'slow network' captures show tremendous SMB protocol activity (WS gens a 30MB capture in 4minutes!!) The 'POP/SMTP' captures show some KERBEROS errors.
I'd be thrilled if someone would like to take a look at the captures, but again, I'm not looking for anyone to hold my hand and am quite willing to hire a WS guru. Actually, trying to find my way thru 'WS Network Analysis by Chappell' as I type this. :(
Can I attach or upload such LARGE files on this forum (30MB each)? Or, should I attempt to deliver them to someone (here) via another method?
For the captures, if they don't have confidential data you can upload them here and post the URLs in the forum: https://appliance.cloudshark.org/upload/
@quadratic, I was going to correct you on the link, but instead, I stand corrected, thx :-)