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Ssl/tls application data protocol when using pre master secret



I have custom protocol as ssl application data protocol, for which i have my own lua dissector. I want to know if there is a way to set the application data protocol to a protocol other than http, when using the pre master secret file,.

thanks gianrico

asked 10 Feb '15, 00:39

gianrico's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

One Answer:


as far as I understand the code:

If you are using a pre-master secret file the "inner" protocol is derived from the standard protocols that have itself registered with the SSL dissector, by calling ssl_dissector_add() (see packet-http.c, packet-smtp.c, etc.). So, in your Lua dissector you would have to do the same. Unfortunately ssl_dissector_add() is not exposed to the Lua module, meaning you can't do that with the current code.

To solve your problem a (larger) code change would be required, to add the port and protocol to the pre-master secret file or to expose ssl_dissector_add() to Lua, while both approaches would be desirable and probably usefull in certain situations. If you need that and cannot implement it yourself, please file an enhancement bug at Add as much information as possible and a link to your question.


answered 10 Feb '15, 02:52

Kurt%20Knochner's gravatar image

Kurt Knochner ♦
accept rate: 15%

edited 10 Feb '15, 02:53