I have also same question, suppose we have captured network traffic and if i want see network graph of that traffic. how can we implement that in wireshark. for e.g. i want to see source address and destination address in graph. how to do that? asked 04 Apr '15, 05:42 ankit converted 06 Apr '15, 02:52 Kurt Knochner ♦ |
One Answer:
See my answer to similar questions:
In short, there are several graphs that you can draw with Wireshark, but probably none of them is what you are looking for. Your question sounds more like a way to create a infrastructure graph (nice image of the whole network, including routers, etc.) or a communication graph (who is talking to whom). In that case, that functionality is not implemented in Wireshark. Please check etherape, which is able to draw "communication graphs". or some other tools/ways to create graphs from pcap files.
Regards answered 06 Apr '15, 03:01 Kurt Knochner ♦ |
@ankit: I converted your comment to a question, as the OP of the other question might have lost interest in his question.