Hello I am trying to see GTPP packets but the program is not showing me the message, I look for an answer but it says something about modifying a file that I can't find http://anonsvn.wireshark.org/viewvc/trunk/asn1/gprscdr/Makefile.common?view=markup&pathrev=51017 I work in a Telecom company and I want to be able to decode the CDR message. asked 13 Apr '15, 12:27 alfromero showing 5 of 8 show 3 more comments |
You don't see the gtp messages? In which case they may be on another port than the standard one. Check the preferences and Set/add the used port. Or You see the gtp Messages but the cdr isn't decoded?
I already check the port and I need it to modify it, but still the cdr info is not shown
I do see GTPP message the problem is that wireshark is not decoding it
Try the development version some changes has been made to handle more versions of the cdrs
Same thing on the the development version I am not able to decode gtp prime (cdr)
I'm not sure we are on the sam page, do you get the messages as GTP'? Something like: 1 0.000000000 GTP 540 Data record transfer request I have them on UDP port 3386.
If you get this far what is your output for Data record Format Wireshark only handles Data record format: 1 Basic Encoding Rules (BER) It may also be an issue with the version the one I'm looking at says Data record format version: AppId 1 Rel 9.5.0 What does yours say?
Mine says Data record format: 1 Basic Encoding Rules (BER) Data record format version: AppId 1 Rel 4.5.0 0001 .... = Application Identifier: 1 .... 0100 = Release Identifier: 4 Version Identifier: 6
The top of trunk GTP code is: if(format==1) { if(rel_id <= 6){ dissect_gprscdr_GPRSCallEventRecord_PDU(next_tvb, pinfo, cdr_dr_tree, NULL); }else if(rel_id >6){ dissect_gprscdr_GPRSRecord_PDU(next_tvb, pinfo, cdr_dr_tree, NULL); } } So the development version should try to dissect the CDR but all record types are not currently supported. If you could open a bug report and include a sample frame I could have a look at it to see if it's possible to implement. You can mark the BUG as private limiting the access to Wireshark core devekopers.