how can i copy wireshark and the wiki for offline browsing using a windows platform? asked 04 May '15, 13:23 avm31982 edited 04 May '15, 15:15 Guy Harris ♦♦ |
One Answer:
As I told a good and small Tool is "Swiss file knife" you can get it here It includes a wget. I like this tool. Before that tool, I used a compiled wget.exe by just downloading it and make it available within the PATH variable. answered 05 May '15, 22:16 Christian_R edited 05 May '15, 22:17 I created a path for sfk and it just keeps returning error 1 cannot read file with the wget command issued. thanks for replying, I didn't get the whole site, but I got a good portion of it with httrack (06 May '15, 02:56) avm31982 Here is al ink to a compiled wget: The wget.exe is inside the "bin" Folder. The easiest way of use is to copy the File in the system32 Folder. (06 May '15, 16:38) Christian_R |
have you tried a "wget" utility for windows like "swiss file knife"?
I downloaded rsync, which I was going to use through Cygwin but it was too large for my hard drive which had no space. I just downloaded gnu wget, and used the setup utility to install it but it seems only to have created manuals, an no binary or path for command line execution. perhaps you known a working binary?