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debug dns failure No such name[Malformed Packet]


why is this packet send what cloud be the possible reason of this failure ?

74866 0.000 DNS 51 Standard query 0x004f SOA local

74945 0.018 DNS 540 Standard query response 0x004f No such name[Malformed Packet]

asked 09 Jul '15, 00:25

terrance's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Can you upload the packet to It is hard to tell what went wrong here without a capture.

(09 Jul '15, 03:13) Lekensteyn

One Answer:


That's a normal DNS query of Apple devices. Apple is using the TLD (top level domain) .local for internal purposes. It's related to mDNS, Bonjour. etc. (see Apple devices ask for the SOA record of .local to figure out if there is an Apple server running on the network. Your DNS server responds with a "no such name", as it does not have any information about .local. Why the answer packet is flagged as malformed, I don't know, but that's not relevant here anyway.

So, nothing to worry about and nothing you can change.


answered 10 Jul '15, 00:13

Kurt%20Knochner's gravatar image

Kurt Knochner ♦
accept rate: 15%

Why the answer packet is flagged as malformed, I don't know

Because it's too short. All the RRSIG records in the packet claim to be 158 bytes long, based on the data length, but, at the end, there's only room for a 74-byte record, so the packet is too short to have the 158-byte RRSIG at the end - much less the 6th authority RR or the additional RR that the record counts claim should be there.

(10 Jul '15, 00:52) Guy Harris ♦♦

thanks for checking that. I did not look into it ;-)

(10 Jul '15, 02:07) Kurt Knochner ♦