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ethernet interface ip address


hello, i am giving my ethernet interface static ip, i am trying to run wireshark over different eth interfaces, i have eth1 ,eth2 and i am not using eth0, can i give eth1 and eth2 same ip address when i am not using both of them at the same time ? and if it's possible in this case, what about when i use them at Same time ? noting im on Linux machines and over tcp connection.

asked 09 Jul '15, 10:33

yas1234's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

2 Answers:


No, the IP Address of each NIC must be different if they are on the same network.

Each NIC is it's own entity even if they are installed on the same computer.

In the perspective of the other nodes/devices on the network, your eth1 and eth2 NIC's are no different than if they were completely different computers. - And you might already know that different devices/computers on the same network must have unique IP Addresses.

In other words, just because your NIC's are on the same computer, doesn't mean that you can get away from the rule that the NIC's can have the same IP Address.

answered 09 Jul '15, 10:39

KTM's gravatar image

accept rate: 100%

edited 09 Jul '15, 10:45


@yas1234 - I am uncertain of your application of using two Ethernet interfaces for capturing data, but you might want to read the Wireshark wiki regarding Ethernet capturing:

Refer to section called "Capture using a network tap", 4.5. Starting in version 1.8, Wireshark is able to capture from two interfaces at once. In addition most Linux distros support bonding of interfaces.

"The Linux bonding driver provides a method for aggregating multiple network interfaces into a single logical bonded interface."

answered 10 Jul '15, 05:56

Amato_C's gravatar image

accept rate: 14%