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Change default location windows/temp for autosave capture


How do you change the wireshark default location of Windows/Temp to another folder (or drive for that matter)? The wireshark machine has a small harddrive and it is desired to capture the file to a network or USB drive with a much larger capacity.

asked 20 Aug '15, 08:48

guydub's gravatar image

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One Answer:


answered 20 Aug '15, 14:16

Jasper's gravatar image

Jasper ♦♦
accept rate: 18%

It might be nice for the Wireshark man page to mention the Windows TEMP environment variable like it does the *nix TMPDIR environment variable. Speaking of TMPDIR though, it appears that this isn't always the correct environment variable which defines the temporary file directory. On my RHEL6 system, for example, the relevant environment variable is TMP, not TMPDIR, despite what g_get_tmp_dir() claims, which is what dumpcap calls via create_tempfile() to find the temporary file directory. RHEL6 is installed with glib2-2.26.1-3.el6.x86_64 and examining glib2.26.1 sources seems to indicate that TMPDIR should work, but it doesn't.

(20 Aug '15, 18:49) cmaynard ♦♦