My laptop is Thinkpad T440p, the NIC is Intel(R) Ethernet Connection I217-LM. And my windows operating system is windows 7. But it still not work. asked 29 Aug '15, 13:51 Caiser edited 29 Aug '15, 17:00 Guy Harris ♦♦ |
2 Answers:
Are you trying to capture traffic generated from the Thinkpad T440P laptop and expecting to see VLAN tags? I ask this question because the VLAN is not added by the laptop. The VLAN tag is added by the switch when the traffic enters the network (ingress) and then the switch removes the VLAN when the traffic exists the network (egress). To examine the VLAN tagged traffic, you could use the laptop to monitor other traffic on your network (i.e., traffic not being generated by the laptop). In this case, you might need to configure the switch to "pass along" the VLAN information. For example, Cisco switches require the following command to be entered in privileged exec mode: monitor session 1 destination int gi1/0/16 encapsulation dot1q Noticed the "encapsulation dot1q" at the end. This informs the switch to pass the VLAN tags to the destination monitor port. answered 31 Aug '15, 07:50 Amato_C |
Thanks when I turn off the firewall, I can capture the pakcets with VLAN TAG answered 01 Sep '15, 12:28 Caiser |
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Class{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} Have you tried CurrentControlSet instead of ControlSet001 ?