I'm probably asking a very dumb question here but I'll leave my soul to the mercy of this intellectual crowd. I took a class given by Jim Aragon. Which thoroughly helped me with my learning of Wireshark and its uses. During the class he provided us with a great troubleshooting profile along with couple of others. In the infinite wisdom of my IT department they reformatted my laptop and I lost all of my profiles along with other valuable information. Is there a "gold" standard profile that can be used for troubleshooting? I was spoiled with Jim's. Any help is appreciated. Thanks. asked 14 Sep '15, 22:43 javiles3 edited 15 Sep '15, 01:56 grahamb ♦ |
One Answer:
Put your email address somewhere and I'll send it to you. You could put your address in your ask.wireshark.org profile in obfuscated form. ("John dot smith at gmail dot com" instead of "[email protected]" answered 15 Sep '15, 05:05 Jim Aragon Jim, Thank you. I have updated my profile with the e-mail address. I look forward to your response. Hope all is well. Thank you. (16 Sep '15, 06:20) javiles3 added to my profile. Thank you Jim. (16 Sep '15, 06:20) javiles3 @Jim Aragon: would you mind to upload that troubleshooting profile somewhere, for the benefit of all ask wireshark users? ;-) (09 Jan '16, 12:48) Kurt Knochner ♦ I've often thought there should be better templates than what is currently in the base install in terms of profiles and colouring rules. It's subjective, and based on what you're doing with the tool but there are a handful of role-based profiles that could probably be rolled in. Two shades of pale blue is how most people see long VoIP or mobile/wireless call flows, which makes me sad. Simple things like shading application-level error code ranges in red, or colouring extremely common protocols above UDP/TCP which would be common to one role or another, goes a long way to making things "pop" and easier to read. (09 Jan '16, 18:24) Quadratic
And if there are some that couldn't unconditionally be deemed to belong in Wireshark, they could be put onto the Wireshark Wiki tools page, probably in a new category, either as attachments on that site or as external links. (09 Jan '16, 20:42) Guy Harris ♦♦ |
Paging @Jim Aragon....
me too please ;)