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display control characters


Is there a way to display ascii control characters in the Hex or Binary view where text is displayed to the right? I am looking for symbology for things like SOH STX ETX EOT. This is useful when reading an embedded or wrapped protocol. Especially serial ascii based ones.

asked 21 Jun '11, 14:24

wickedgeek's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

One Answer:


Currently, there isn't. I think Unicode has symbols that can be used to display control characters, with the abbreviation for the control character spelled out in small letters, which could be used for this, but that should probably be an option, as those characters aren't as unobtrusive as "."s, and might make the display harder to read if somebody doesn't care about the control characters.

I'd suggest filing an enhancement request on the Wireshark Bugzilla.

answered 23 Jun '11, 10:51

Guy%20Harris's gravatar image

Guy Harris ♦♦
accept rate: 19%