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Wireless toolbar is not active


We are facing the following problems :

1.Wireless Toolbar is not active.

2.WLAN traffic statistics are not being updated.

Do we need to buy some extra software to get these things working?

asked 01 Jul '11, 06:06

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repaka avinash
accept rate: 0%

One Answer:


What OS are you running on? If it's Windows, then you would likely need to purchase an AirPcap adapter from Riverbed.

answered 01 Jul '11, 06:17

cmaynard's gravatar image

cmaynard ♦♦
accept rate: 20%

Replace "would likely need to" with "would need to".

It's currently supported only with AirPcap, and that's not supported on UN*X, so it's Windows-with-AirPcap-only.

(01 Jul '11, 12:03) Guy Harris ♦♦