I am creating a simple packet analyzer in Python in which analyzes Tshark Tshark (command line equivalent of Wireshark) has a feature which allows to output all the packets to the .psml file (Packet Summary Markup Language). In Wireshark I can configure the contents of the exported .psml file by adding/removing tabs in the GUI. However, I can't find any option to do this by using a command line in Tshark. Sample output from Wireshark:
In Tshark I am getting the output without the section dBm (IEEE 802.11 RSSI). How to configure Tshark to get this data in asked 06 Jan ‘16, 07:46 6franek |
One Answer:
tshark is using the same fields/columns that Wireshark is using in the default (current) profile. So if you want to change the output of tshark PSML, you can do one of the following things.
An alternative would be to use PDML (-T pdml), which is much more 'chatty', meaning it prints more (is not all) fields or tshark -V. Regards answered 09 Jan '16, 12:03 Kurt Knochner ♦ |