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How to configure the output of Tshark .psml file


I am creating a simple packet analyzer in Python in which analyzes Tshark .xml output files.

Tshark (command line equivalent of Wireshark) has a feature which allows to output all the packets to the .psml file (Packet Summary Markup Language). In Wireshark I can configure the contents of the exported .psml file by adding/removing tabs in the GUI. However, I can't find any option to do this by using a command line in Tshark.

Sample output from Wireshark:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<psml version="0" creator="wireshark/2.0.0">

<packet> <section>1</section> <section>0.000000</section> <section>xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx</section> <section>Broadcast</section> <section>802.11</section> <section>223</section> <section>Beacon frame, SN=1524, FN=0, Flags=……..C, BI=100, SSID=xxx</section> <section>4294967260 dBm</section> </packet>

In Tshark I am getting the output without the section dBm (IEEE 802.11 RSSI). How to configure Tshark to get this data in .psml file?

asked 06 Jan ‘16, 07:46

6franek's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

One Answer:


tshark is using the same fields/columns that Wireshark is using in the default (current) profile. So if you want to change the output of tshark PSML, you can do one of the following things.

  • modify the columns in Wireshark and save the profile
  • edit the preferences file directly (%APPDATA%/Wireshark/preferences - entry: gui.column.format:)
  • use tsharks column format (see tshark -G column-formats)

An alternative would be to use PDML (-T pdml), which is much more 'chatty', meaning it prints more (is not all) fields or tshark -V.


answered 09 Jan '16, 12:03

Kurt%20Knochner's gravatar image

Kurt Knochner ♦
accept rate: 15%