Hi, I have successfully compiled wireshark source code on ubunut but while trying to compile wireshark source code on windows XP I am getting stuck with few errors: It would be nice if anyone can let me know where I am going wrong. nmake -f Makefile.nmake verify_tools output is same as the one given in win32 installation guide. nmake -f Makefile.nmake setup command did not give any error and the final line said "Wireshark is ready to build". But when I run the command nmake -f Makefile.nmake all, I get the below error:
If I run the command as nmake /I -f Makefile.nmake all then I get the below error:
Can anyone suggest what needs to be checked to resolve this? I am using Microsoft Visual Studio .Net (2002). Thanks Anoop asked 05 Jul ‘11, 13:12 Anoop edited 06 Jul ‘11, 00:48 SYN-bit ♦♦ |
I suggest you try building with a newer VC (say VC 2008) ? VC2002 is a bit old;
Wireshark is currently built with VC2008.
The VC 2008 “Express Edition” can be downloaded for free from Microsoft.
See http://www.wireshark.org/docs/wsdg_html_chunked/ChSetupWin32.html
Bill’s answer is your best bet going forward, but if you MUST use VS 2002, then the issue is probably with the SDK. Are you using the SDK that comes with VS? If so then I would suggest you install a more modern SDK and use a command window initialised using the SDK SetEnv.cmd to set up the paths to the tools. In SetEnv.cmd you can see the required parameters if the defaults don’t suit you.
Hey Graham, I did get a newer SDK but the build still failed. Like Bill suggested I might as well get a more recent release of VC and try out.
Was able to build it successfully with a newer version. Thanks.