我今天更新了wireshark,但是我无法控制我的手,选择了USB抓包 这个组件的安装,然后我的电脑上所有USB都瘫痪了,已经没法使用了。 我的硬件是DELL的。系统是win8专业版。求助,您可以发送解决方案到我的邮箱woailiyushen#gmail.com 向您真诚的感谢 asked 15 Feb '16, 00:18 alalmaliya |
One Answer:
已经解决这个问题了 卸载这个usb抓包的组件,然后重启电脑。 This answer is marked "community wiki". answered 15 Feb '16, 00:38 alalmaliya According to Google Translate this is: We have solved this problem uninstall the usb capture component and then restart the computer . (15 Feb '16, 02:26) grahamb ♦ 1 Yes, it's a problem with USPpcap; see Wireshark bug 11766. I'll let somebody else translate that into Chinese. (15 Feb '16, 03:36) Guy Harris ♦♦ 感谢楼上给出的帮助。我英语学的不好。辛苦你用谷歌翻译了。 (15 Feb '16, 22:18) alalmaliya |
According to Google Translate this is: