Hi, I have been facing this issue for a very long time. I have a field (an integer) which is 00 00 24 20 in the byte stream. When I try to display it as decimal in my dissector, it shoes an incorrect value. That is because I want the dissector to take the value as 02 24 00 00 instead. Basically, I want the reverse order. How to display in that way?? How to use htonl/ntohl etc in the code. Help Please..!!! Thanks asked 26 Jul '11, 04:43 sidharth |
One Answer:
From doc/README.developer:
Also: see the final 'encoding' argument of Note well (again from README.developer): Don't fetch a little-endian value using "tvb_get_ntohs() or "tvb_get_ntohl()" and then using "g_ntohs()", "g_htons()", "g_ntohl()", or "g_htonl()" on the resulting value - the g_ routines in question convert between network byte order (big-endian) and host byte order, not little-endian byte order; not all machines on which Wireshark runs are little-endian, even though PCs are. Fetch those values using "tvb_get_letohs()" and "tvb_get_letohl()". answered 26 Jul '11, 07:04 Bill Meier ♦♦ |
Hi Bill, Thanks for the reply but not all my problems were solved, unfortunately :(
I have a field as size with byte stream showing 03 00 00 00. It is a unsigned integer. In my code I donot apply any transformation on it. I just register in the function as FT_UINT32 and display as BASE_DEC. When I use proto_tree_add_item to add it to the tree (Encoding as False) it shows up as 3. Which is great as I have 3 nodes in the cluster. So that part is fine.
Next I want to display these nodes in a loop (one by one). So I use a loop like
while(i < size)
There size value is not taken as 3 but intead as some huge number it seems.
So I applied : size = tvb_get_letohl(tvb,offset);
and then I am using size in the while loop hoping that its value is taken as 3.
But it does not work still.
Please HELP here..!! URGENT..!!!
Skip the size=g_ntohl(size); That is what the note Bill quoted told you NOT to do.
If you're using FALSE with proto_tree_add_item(i.e., specifying Big-Endian aka Network-Order) and the value displays as "3" then I'm confused.
A "byte stream" of "03 00 00 00" treated as Big-Endian will not display as "3". Are you using the correct offset when accessing the field ?