Hi, i don't understand why and how but without any reasons my wireshark solution for creating a new heuristic dissector fails building. Build error is Error 1 error MSB6006: "cmd.exe" exited with code 9009. C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V120\Microsoft.CppCommon.targets 170 5 copy_data_files Cmake is a bit weird because it says: Generating build using CMake 3.5.2 -- Could NOT find POWERSHELL (missing: POWERSHELL_EXECUTABLE) . . . . -- The following REQUIRED packages have not been found:
-- Configuring done -- Generating done -- Build files have been written to: C:/Development/wsbuild64 I'm tilting. Suggestions? Thanks in advance asked 22 Jun '16, 08:17 kenhero showing 5 of 17 show 12 more comments |
One Answer:
ok,i solved. I had obv in path environment var the correct path and the version was until 4 but i solved going on windows control panel -> program -> enable/disable windows functionality and activate windows power shell there. Btw cmake actually has no error,build has the same error but i can debug my dissector on vs2013. Really weird issue answered 23 Jun '16, 02:54 kenhero edited 23 Jun '16, 02:55 |
What version of Windows ate you building on?
the version is windows 8
Could it be an environment issue?
The Output of VS2013 is :
"POWERSHELL_COMMAND-NOTFOUND" non è riconosciuto come comando interno o esterno,un programma eseguibile o un file batch. (italian language)
What happens if you type 'powershell' in a standard Windows command line? Do you get power shell prompt?
If yes, what's the output of the '$PSVersionTable' command?
If no, do you have in your PATH environment variable "C:/Windows/System32/WindowsPowerShell/v1.0/"? Does this folder even exist on your machine?
omg i try to compile my wireshark dissector on my home pc and i still have powershell issue. is it normal this?
The instruction from @Pascal Quantin to type
was to be run in a PowerShell prompt.It looks as though Powershell isn't installed\enabled on that system.
Note that PowerShell is installed and enabled by default in Windows >= Vista. Someone must have manually disabled it on your systems.
what should i do?
it seems it's installed
CMake expects Powershell.exe to be on your path, usually with something such as
. Is it on your path?yes! Is it possible a wrong git installation?
i found this on cmakecache.txt
//Command suitable for running PowerShell scripts. POWERSHELL_COMMAND:STRING=POWERSHELL_COMMAND-NOTFOUND
Unlikely to be git. In your build directory, in the file CMakeCache.txt, what is recorded for the lines beginning with:
i solved ,error was on cmakechache.txt but i don't understand why
What was the error?
In cmakecache.txt i have replaced
//Command suitable for running PowerShell scripts. POWERSHELL_COMMAND:STRING=POWERSHELL_COMMAND-NOTFOUND
with :
//Command suitable for running PowerShell scripts. POWERSHELL_COMMAND:STRING=C:/Windows/System32/WindowsPowerShell/v1.0/powershell.exe;-NoProfile;-NonInteractive;-executionpolicy;bypass;.
//PowerShell command POWERSHELL_EXECUTABLE:FILEPATH=C:/Windows/System32/WindowsPowerShell/v1.0/powershell.exe
found on my 32bit cmakecache.txt version . The point is :why there were POWERSHELL_COMMAND-NOTFOUND/POWERSHELL_EXECUTABLE-NOTFOUND ???
The CMake module FindPowerShell.cmake (in the source tree in cmake\modules) locates PowerShell for the build. The module uses the standard CMake command find_program() looking for powershell.exe on the path. Yours is the first reported failure of this detection, so I think it's something local to your system.