I am trying to write a customized dissector as a plugin on windows platform.
I am doing this on version 2.1.1-git, win32.
I have a string which has 320 length, Unicode UTF-16LE encoded. I am trying to do the following parsing but the result is I can only get the first char on the front end display.
For example, I received a string "Hello Lee", after I do my parsing, I can only see "H" in the front end.
I have the following related code.
static hf_register_int hf[] = {
{ &hf_foo_message, { "Message", "foo.message", FT_STRING, STR_UNICODE, NULL, 0x0, NULL, HFILL } }
static int
dissect_foo(tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree U, void *data U)
proto_tree_add_item(foo_tree, hf_foo_message, tvb, 0, 320, ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN);
I also tried to get the string from tvb first like this:
GByteArray temp_str;
temp_str.data = malloc(320);
temp_str.len = 320;
tvb_get_string_bytes(tvb, *offset, 320, STR_UNICODE, &temp_str, endoff)
temp_str.len = 0;
but I am not sure how to set the variable endoff
I have a byte that include three variables.
bit 1-2 is value_a
bit 3-6 is value_b
bit 7-8 is value_c
I am trying to do put them into static hf_register_info hf[]
, but then I found nothing similar to FT_BITS
, what should I do?
asked 07 Jul '16, 20:32
accept rate: 0%
Thank you I will try it @@"