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Rebuilding PCAP without IP Fragmentation


Can Wireshark rebuild an HTTP PCAP that contains IP Fragmentation and rebuild the PCAP so there is no IP Fragmentation present in the PCAP?

asked 16 Aug '16, 13:15

LennyB's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 17 Aug '16, 03:30

grahamb's gravatar image

grahamb ♦

One Answer:


No, Wireshark doesn't modify packets. I know of no other tool that can reassemble IP fragments and give you a PCAP with the reassembled packets. Why would you need this feature anyway?

answered 16 Aug '16, 13:26

Jasper's gravatar image

Jasper ♦♦
accept rate: 18%

Jasper, Thanks for the answer. The test tool I am using does not support reading in fragmented PCAPs. The PCAPs that I want to use contain IP Fragmentation.

(16 Aug '16, 13:36) LennyB

But the test tool can deal with oversized packets? Because that's what will happen if you reassemble IP fragments.

Maybe I can add a feature to TraceWrangler to do this kind of reassembly for you - how urgent is this?

(16 Aug '16, 13:40) Jasper ♦♦

In the development version packet kan be exported on the exported pdu format at the Tcp or udp layer I think. Would that help?

(16 Aug '16, 14:05) Anders ♦

I also have this need, I have a capture of SIP traffic running permanently. When I need to analyse a call I use ngrep to filter a callid. But due to fragmentation, I do not get all the SIP messages. I have tcpdump exporting the fragments, but ngrep does not handle fragments. Thus I need jumbo frames.

(17 Aug '16, 05:11) Kjeld Flarup

At least in the development version you can use tshark to export PDU at OSI Layer 7 to extract the reassembled SIP traffic and then work on the resulting file, you might want to use 2 pass to make sure reassembly is OK.

tshark with parameters -U "OSI layer 7" -2

(17 Aug '16, 07:27) Anders ♦