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msbuild just my plugin?


Forgive me for I'm accustom to many years of using "nmkake -f Makefile.nmake" in my source plugin directory to only compile my dissector into a .dll file. I'm at a complete loss of how I would do that now. If I try to target just the plugins\foo\foo.vcxproj with "msbuild /p:Configuration=RelWithDebInfo plugins\foo\adsb.vcxproj", it seems to want to recompile everything in wireshark.

I have added my plugin to CMakeListsCustom.txt in the source tree and it makes the correct folders in my build directory when I do a prepare. I have succesfully made a complete wireshark build and now I just need to debug and recompile my dissector only.

asked 28 Sep '16, 09:31

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One Answer:


Search and ye shall find. Sorry, should have done a better search before asking my question. I assumed that it was taking so long that I was not doing the command correctly. It would seem its just a lot longer than compared to the old nmake method.

Courtesy of grahamb: Yep, just rebuild the whole solution again and it will all work, assuming you've made the correct changes. If you've created a plugin dissector you can just rebuild your plugin by substituting the path to the plugin project file on the msbuild command line, e.g. msbuild /m /p:Configuration=RelWithDebInfo plugins\myplugin\myplugin.vcxproj You must have previously built Wireshark in the build directory though before compiling the plugin on it's own in this manner. You'll find in practice there's only a little time difference between the "full" build and just building the plugin.

answered 28 Sep '16, 09:36

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