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Languages and Translations


In the folder \Wireshark\translations\ there are 16 different language files. The language settings of the program only seven. Why? Where is the translator into Russian, he may need some help?

asked 07 Nov '16, 13:45

ssobb's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

One Answer:


The only actual translated-UI files in the Wireshark source are:

ui/qt/wireshark_de.ts           ui/qt/wireshark_ja_JP.ts
ui/qt/wireshark_en.ts           ui/qt/wireshark_pl.ts
ui/qt/wireshark_fr.ts           ui/qt/wireshark_zh_CN.ts

so that's German, English, French, Italian, Japanese in Japan (as opposed to Japanese somewhere else? Why not just ui/qt/wireshark_ja.ts?), Polish, and Chinese in the People's Republic of China (would zh_TW use Traditional Chinese rather than Simplified Chinese?). There's no ui/qt/wireshark_ru.ts, so there's no Russian translation; I don't think anybody's worked on a translation, so it appears there is no Russian translator. (The Russian I learned in school has been unused for более сорока лет, so I'm not going to volunteer. :-))

answered 07 Nov '16, 13:56

Guy%20Harris's gravatar image

Guy Harris ♦♦
accept rate: 19%

Files .qm it is binary, compiled files .qs? What is it? It looks at the translation files and precompiled binary files *.ts in the source code.

alt text

(07 Nov '16, 20:54) ssobb

Where did that screenshot come from? Perhaps Qt has its own translation files that are included when it's packaged for Windows, but the Wireshark project has only the languages I've mentioned.

(07 Nov '16, 21:14) Guy Harris ♦♦

QT has some predefined translation included (qt_XX files).

Contribution for translation can be done with Transifex ( ).

Currently three persons have joined the Russian translation group. However zero terms have been translated so far.

Any contribution is welcome!!!

(08 Nov '16, 01:34) Uli