I use tshark (default options) and get the situation
Can I get a reparsed HTTP request after missing packages? I can see reordered if click "Follow TCP stream" if use wireshark. asked 11 Nov '16, 04:42 alexey edited 10 Jan '17, 06:37 grahamb ♦ |
One Answer:
No, once TCP's reassembly is messed up (by a missing packet) there's no way for it to recover (for that PDU--it will recover once it can find the start of the next PDU). (Follow TCP stream fakes it out by telling the consumer--generally a human!--that there are missing bytes. Wireshark's dissectors--e.g., in this case, the HTTP dissector--would not be able to handle that well.) answered 10 Jan '17, 06:03 JeffMorriss ♦ |