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Bluez SCO extraction with wireshark


I can see that a log file can be generated with hcidump or btmon, but I am looking for a way to extract audio as a check point in the audio chain to determine where audio is lost.

I can see if using the above SCO prints are present as human readable hex prints, but it is not clear if 1) the SCO Rex/Tx data are part of a btsnoop.log (or a text output file of btmon output) and 2) If Wireshark can export the SCO data as a .wav which can then be Analyzer in an audio tool for missing audio data in any one direction?

If it makes any difference the audio is not piped over HCI to the BT adaptor, but non the less if I am looking at stock btmon prints SCO prints are seen for each direction.

Many Thanks, Mark

asked 15 Nov '16, 05:23

Markro's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

One Answer:


Hello Mark, Unfortunately Wireshark does not support extracting SCO or other audio analyse like for A2DP. However that may be changed. Please fill in the bug/enhanced request (so nobody forgot about it) for this feature and please attach example file contains SCO (it is quite rare to see SCO). I already have a proof of concept of (I successfully extract some streams). And yes, SCO must by piped over HCI - otherwise only air logs can contain it.

answered 16 Nov '16, 23:22

Micha%C5%82%20%C5%81ab%C4%99dzki's gravatar image

Michał Łabędzki
accept rate: 8%

Thanks Michal.

I am trying to get bluez btmon to generate a btsnoop log (not sure yet if btsnoop log can contain audio packets ?) I know if letting btmon just print to command line there are SCO event prints.

My attempt to us "btmon -w /tmp/btsnoop.log" was not so great, but hopefully have more luck tomorrow.

(17 Nov '16, 13:08) Markro

Sorry for the long delay here...

I have a file generated by using btmon -w - not quite sure how I attach it or how I request an enhancement ?

I am pretty sure the audio on the system I recorded it off sends audio over usb or something, but it seems to print audio packets into the wireshark log so happy days.

Once I find the submit enhancement page I will add log and request.

(03 Mar '17, 11:33) Markro

Nope, I failed that aptitude test. I cannot find how I make a enhancement request and attach a log file.

(03 Mar '17, 11:43) Markro

I worked it out. I raised enhancement/bug 13451

(03 Mar '17, 14:16) Markro