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Display filtering SYN and FIN flags


I am having a hard time finding a way to Display filter packets with SYN+FIN combo, regardless if other flags are set. Would this be the correct syntax? tcp.flags.syn==1 && tcp.flags.fin==1 When i do this but use other flags that one would expect together, the results only give me packets with either one or the other flag set. I need packets with BOTH set. someone please help?

asked 01 Dec '16, 14:09

sonocroc's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 01 Dec '16, 14:10

One Answer:


tcp.flags.syn==1 && tcp.flags.fin==1 is the correct filter to get all packets with SYN and FIN flag set - which should never happen as it's an invalid combination. If you see that kind of flag set it's usually a scan tool doing it.

answered 02 Dec '16, 00:58

Jasper's gravatar image

Jasper ♦♦
accept rate: 18%