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Would this be a SQL server ?


Hi, I was wondering usually SQL communication should be on port 14333. by filter using "browser", there's some indication of SQL services. Is a SQL server ?

Are the clients broadcasting to look for SQL services ?

alt text

asked 14 Dec '16, 03:51

doran_lum's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

One Answer:


The protocol is the Microsoft Computer Browser service, and that specific message is a master browser annonuncement sent by the elected local master browser, which is usually done by a server if there's one in the workgroup\domain. Such announcements carry a set of bit flags indicating the server type, one of which is SQL server.

Clients receive the broadcasts and could use it to determine SQL server capability\availability.

answered 14 Dec '16, 05:36

grahamb's gravatar image

grahamb ♦
accept rate: 22%