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help router traffic


why doesnt my wireshark show all router traffic? It only shows the traffic to my specific device.

asked 06 Jan '17, 01:42

AnonStrous's gravatar image

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One Answer:


answered 06 Jan '17, 02:01

Christian_R's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

Ok, I read it and still have no idea how to capture traffic from the other devices on my network lol. I'm new to all this so a lot of what I read was hieroglyphics pretty much.

(06 Jan '17, 03:00) AnonStrous

Well I am sorry, but I can't explain it easier as the guys have done it in there articles.

(06 Jan '17, 03:14) Christian_R

Please take this in a positive way. Since you are "new to all of this", it may be beneficial to learn basic networking fundamentals and to understand the filtering, forwarding, and flooding properties of L2 network switches to fully grasp why you are not able to plug into a switch port and not see "All" of your router's traffic.

This page may shed some light on things for you...

(06 Jan '17, 16:14) Rooster_50