When installing tshark on ubuntu 14.04 with command "sudo apt-get install -y tshark" installation goes fine until there is a question "Should non-superusers be able to capture packets?" even though -y was specified on apt-get install, and hangs the whole installation process. So in brief, all the docker installations and most of the script installations containing wireshark will will now break. Another way of doing this would be to ask "Allow only super user to capture packets?" and respect the -y on command line asked 15 Jan '17, 22:34 jaakko paakk... |
One Answer:
The person to handle a distribution specific package issue would be the maintainer for that package. See here for the page for that package. In short, this is not directly an issue for the Wireshark project. answered 16 Jan '17, 03:44 grahamb ♦ |