I'm using wireshark 2.2.3 in ubuntu.
When I try to call the dissector I always get an error. This is my code:
local sctp_payload_dissector_table = DissectorTable.get("sctp.ppi")
original_m3ua_dissector = sctp_payload_dissector_table:get_dissector(3)
sctp_payload_dissector_table:add(3, tcap_time_proto)
When I then call it from the dissector function:
function tcap_time_proto.dissector(buffer,pinfo,tree)
original_m3ua_dissector:call(buffer, pinfo, tree)
It fails.
Is there anything worng with my code?
asked 20 Jan '17, 03:20
accept rate: 0%
edited 20 Jan '17, 05:36
JeffMorriss ♦
Can you provide the lua source file and the capture you're using for testing so others can attempt to replicate the issue, hopefully under a debugger?
Sure, here they are.
https://app.box.com/s/qjh67cjnfqjw8s57uvfb25vaqc92s8ds https://app.box.com/s/2tiqdh5z2elgpo40skccrv4y2fdmqqeg
I have tested this with the new 2.2.4 version. Same error.
This is the output in wireshark for any sctp message:
Line 18 in the LUA script is: