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Packet List scrolling issue when packet is highlighted


I have noticed in the latest couple of builds in 2.2.x on OXS (not sure about windows version) that when I click/select on a packet in the Packet List pane I can not scroll up or down beyond the highlighted or selected packet. When I do the Packet List pane just refreshes back to that selected packets so I can not scroll up or down to look for other information. I know I use to be able to do this without issue. This is not in a live packet capture.

Is there some setting for this?

Thanks John.

asked 08 Mar '17, 02:12

mycrew143's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

One Answer:


Is there some setting for this?

It's the "please fix the bug" setting. :-)

I.e., it's not supposed to ever work the way you say it's working; this is a bug, so there's no setting to control it. Please report it on the Wireshark Bugzilla.

answered 08 Mar '17, 02:48

Guy%20Harris's gravatar image

Guy Harris ♦♦
accept rate: 19%