proto_tree_add_text(tl_tree, tvb, offset, -1, "Data (%d bytes)", tvb_reported_length_remaining(tvb, offset)); generate gave me: 1;1;tl_tree;hf_tl_data_(%d_bytes)";tvb;offset;-1;encoding;Data (%d bytes)";fieldtype;tl.data_(%d_bytes)";BASE_DEC;NULL;0x0 however fixall fails: C:\Development\wireshark\tools> ../epan/dissectors /packet-tl.c --action=fix-all --encoding=ENC_BIG_ENDIAN 1: Encoding value 'encoding' unknown! 1: Field type 'fieldtype' unknown! Aborting conversion. Should the replacement be like: proto_tree_add_item(tl_tree, hf_tl_data, tvb, offset, -1, ENC_BIG_ENDIAN);
I am not sure what the FT value should be here. 2.When debugging using printf, how to I get the console when using windows interface. In 2.x wireshark version I am not seeing the "open console" option. Thanks asked 16 Mar '17, 21:27 erin |
Under advanced , found the gui.console_open and updated it to Always. However console level log is set to 28 by default. Will prints show up on console with this logging level?