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Diameter attributes related to WiMAX not decoding properly


Hello Support,

I have Diameter trace which includes attributes related EAP and WiMAX.

All the WiMAX attributes are not decoding and the AVP's are shown as "Unknown". I am running latest version 1.6.1 Wireshark.

Can you please let me know how can I fix it.

Thank you, Vijay

asked 02 Sep '11, 00:15

vijayakumarpc's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

One Answer:


Hi, I suppose those AVP:s has the vendor bit set and a vendor specified? Wireshark dissects AVP:s with the aid of xml files most probably ther is no .xml file for "EAP" or "WiMAX" look in the Diameter directory. You can make your own .xml files and add them by editing dictionary.xml (refers the files) Then send us the files by making bug report in bugzilla attaching the file(s) for inclusion in Wireshark.

answered 02 Sep '11, 07:27

Anders's gravatar image

Anders ♦
accept rate: 17%