At my job we regularly use switches which got a proprietary ring redundancy protocol. In order to make our job easier, I am trying to make a dissector so wireshark correctly shows information instead of showing 'llc' as it currently does.
I looked up multiple tutorials, but so far almost all of those I found talk about connecting to a specific UDP or TCP port while what I intend to do hooks directly on the MAC/ethernet level.
I know for sure that the lua gets loaded, as writing an error or invalid action causes a crash. I tried multiple ways of getting wireshark to translate as my protocol instead of LLC, but I got no success so far. If anyone can give me a hint or a source where I can find the answer myself I would appreciate it!
wireshark trace of a few packets of the protocol: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9vmLCalgzm1NC1KUzNqRENFY1E/view?usp=sharing
image for those who rather don't download files from unknown sources:
My current code attempt:
original_802_3_dissector = DissectorTable.get( "wtap_encap" ):get_dissector( 1 )
protoRGERP = Proto("RGERP", "Redundant Gigabit Ethernet Ring Protocol")
local f = protoRGERP.fields
local vs_state = {[0]="normal",[1]="abnormal"}
f.ringId = ProtoField.uint16("protoRGERP.ringId", "Ring ID")
f.ringState = ProtoField.bool("protoRGERP.ringState", "Ring Status")
f.ringMaster = ProtoField.ether("protoRGERP.ringMaster","Ring Master")
f.ringData = ProtoField.bytes ("protoRGERP.ringData","Data")
–f.ringInfo = ProtoField.string("protoRGERP.ringInfo","Ring Info")
local packet_counter
function protoRGERP.init()
packet_counter = 0
function protoRGERP.dissector(buffer, pinfo, tree)
–run default ethernet dissector
–tree additions
local subtree = tree:add(protoRGERP, buffer())
local offset=12
local ringId = buffer(offset,1)
subtree:add (f.ringId, ringId)
subtree:append_text(", Ring ID: "..ringId:uint())
local ringState = buffer(offset,1)
subtree:add(f.ringState, ringState)
subtree:append_text(", Ring normal : "..ringState:bool())
local ringMaster = buffer(offset,6)
subtree:add(f.ringMaster, ringMaster)
subtree:append_text(", RM MAC: "..ringMaster:ether())
subtree:add( f.ringData, buffer(offset))
-- modify columns; to be extended
pinfo.cols['protocol'] = "RGERP"
pinfo.cols.info = "RGERP ID: "
–local wtap_encap_table = DissectorTable.get("wtap_encap")
–wtap_encap_table:add(0x1a, protoRGERP)
–below causes wireshark to crash
–local llc_table = DissectorTable.get("llc.dsap")
–llc_table:add(0x6b, protoRGERP)
local dissector_table2 = DissectorTable.get("ethertype")
local dissector_table3 = DissectorTable.get("wtap_encap")
dissector_table3:add(wtap.USER0, protoRGERP)
asked 04 Apr ‘17, 08:10
accept rate: 100%
minor update: with replacing ethernet I can get it working, but I can’t get the if structure working to run the original ethernet dissector if mine isn’t needed. A way to do this might be a good workaround if anyone knows how/if this is possible!
this is how I replaced the dissector:
and then I wrapped my code in the proto.dissector in an if:
But this causes ‘wireshark has stopped responding’. I couldn’t find an error in a log yet.
So does this protocol run atop Ethernet?
If so, does it:
(All protocols that run atop Ethernet do one of those four things; i.e., if they don’t have one of those values assigned to them, they’re violating the Ethernet spec.)
I fear it is the last. I will raise the issue with the manufacturer, but I don’t think this can/will be changed by them anytime soon.
My guess is that I will have to do the workaround using a chained dissector (my own into the ethernet if it is not my own protocol). So far this always crashes for me though, so if you have a working example using the ethernet dissector I would appreciate it!