This is the source code for the ICMP dissector. When compiled, it is part of libwireshark.dll.
Regarding the ICMP sequence number fields, since some OS's use use big-endian and others use little-endian for the ICMP multi-byte fields, two different filters exist, icmp.seq
in case it's big-endian and icmp.seq_le
in case it's little-endian. There is no reliable way to know which format the field is in, so both filters are available, and it's left up to the user to determine which one is correct. Both fields are declared as BASE_DEC_HEX
, so they're displayed in both decimal and hexadecimal formats. I'm honestly not entirely sure how useful it is to display these fields in hexadecimal, but that's the way the dissector is currently written.
The situation is similar for icmp.ident
; however, there appears to be a bug in the source code because both hf_icmp_ident
and hf_icmp_ident_le
use the same icmp.ident
filter. This is the reason why the icmp.ident
column displays both of them in the same column. I would suggest opening a Wireshark bug to report this inconsistency and ask for hf_icmp_ident_le
to use a separate icmp.ident_le
filter, just like icmp.seq_le
is used for hf_icmp_seq_num_le
answered 15 Apr '17, 17:45

cmaynard ♦♦
accept rate: 20%
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