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Round Trip Time (RTT) Graph


Hello everyone,

I want to make a RTT graph for whole communication between two IP addresses and when I do 'Conversation Filter->IPv4' then i got all communication between this two IP addresses, but now when I do RTT Graph it's show me the RTT for certain Stream and NOT for whole communication between this two IPv4 addresses. Is it possible to make some RTT graph for whole communication?

Thank you in advance.

asked 19 May '17, 07:05

Nicola%20Tesla's gravatar image

Nicola Tesla
accept rate: 0%

One Answer:


You can try to use the I/O Graph for that kind: If you put in the IPv4 conversation into the filter field and plot the max value of the tcp.analysis.ack_rtt field at Y-axis. And I suggest to set plot interval to a value less then 1 sec. alt text

answered 19 May '17, 12:19

Christian_R's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

edited 19 May '17, 12:22

Christian_R Thank you, this is what I want to do, but please, can you explain what is the difference between 'tcp.analysis.ack_rtt' and 'tcp.time_delta'. I suppose that 'tcp.analysis.ack_rtt' is RTT just for ACK packet and 'tcp.time_delta' is the time delay in one direction, but if this is true, then how we can find the RTT for every packet and not just for ACK.

Thank you in advance. :)

(19 May '17, 14:18) Nicola Tesla

RTT means time between packet is send and answer comes back tcp.time_delta is just the time between two packets in the trace. Think about the sender sends 5 packets in the row. The best RTT measurement for the network is iRTT which measures how fast the 3way handshake is done. But it is measured only once.

ACK_RTT is from point of view the best you can get even naggle and delayed ack are activated. ACK_RTT measures the speed how fast a segement has been ACKed. Think about that every segment contains is always an ACK, too.

(19 May '17, 14:48) Christian_R