asked 28 May '17, 17:38 foxmodem edited 29 May '17, 08:05 cmaynard ♦♦ |
2 Answers:
-Y "ip.dst== && tcp.port==80" for all packets to with 80 as either source or destination port, or -Y "ip.dst== && tcp.dstport==80" for all packets to with 80 as the destination port. answered 28 May '17, 19:46 Jim Aragon |
"-e tcp.port eq 80" is probably the problem - I guess you wanted to add that to the -Y parameter? If not, it should only be "-e tcp.port" without the compare operator. answered 28 May '17, 17:41 Jasper ♦♦ |
I need to filter TCP port 80 too. How can I add it in the code? Thanks
Yes, he wanted to add that to the -Y parameter; Jim Aragon's answer shows how to do that.