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Tshark CAN NOT decode TCAP/GSM MAP while Wireshark CAN


Hello everyone, Is there any special configuration needed in Tshark so that it can decode TCAP/GSM MAP/GSM SMS packets? Current captures show nothing above SCCP. Had the same issue with Wireshark but following postings in this forum I was able to resolve it by setting View -> Preferences -> Protocols -> MTP3=ANSI. How can something similar be done in Tshark?

Many thanks in advance! Bill

asked 09 Jun '17, 10:07

pafi84's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

One Answer:


You can use the '-o' option: tshark -o mtp3.standard:ANSI

answered 11 Jun '17, 08:52

Uli's gravatar image

accept rate: 29%

edited 11 Jun '17, 08:52

Uli, Thank you for taking the time to reply. Tshark now displays GSM MAP and GSM SMS messages. Best Regards, Bill

(12 Jun '17, 08:05) pafi84

FYI, a more "permanent" method is to edit your .wireshark/preferences file (assuming Linux), and change the mtp3 parameter within the preferences file. That saves you from adding the -o flag if most of your traces use ANSI-standard for MTP3/M3UA.

(12 Jun '17, 16:43) Quadratic


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(13 Jun '17, 00:50) grahamb ♦