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WLAN Traffic Statistics did not show SSID


Hello, I am using debian and Wireshark Version 1.12.1. I see my wlan network traffic,but I would also like to see other SSID traffic. WLAN Traffic Statistics shows nothing. Is my wlan adapter not running in sniffer mode or what can I do?

asked 25 Jun '17, 11:29

crankma's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 25 Jun '17, 13:56

Bob%20Jones's gravatar image

Bob Jones

One Answer:


There are some requirements to capture other 802.11 traffic besides your own. There is a good starting point here:

There are many details that could come into play, but I would start with this link. If you need an easy way to get into, and out of, monitor mode, you can have a look at the scripts provided by the aircrack-ng suite of tools:

This site has a lot of Q&As regarding some of the finer points so when you are up and running you can search here to troubleshoot further.

answered 25 Jun '17, 12:17

Bob%20Jones's gravatar image

Bob Jones
accept rate: 21%