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isakmp.ispi as a display filter


I am attempting to apply a display filter based on the ISAKMP Intiator SPI, which is f64e30753a4a41b6.

I have used the filter builder (expression) and as soon as I paste in either f6 4e 30 75 3a 4a 41 b6 or f64e30753a4a41b6 then the filter is shown as being invalid.

I have tried "f64e30753a4a41b6" and "f6 4e 30 75 3a 4a 41 b6" which works for the filter checker, but does not output any data even though I can see packets with ISAMP SPI set to f64e30753a4a41b6.

Any ideas?



asked 03 Jul '17, 15:58

patgrogan_act_au's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

One Answer:


Have you tried isakmp.ispi == f6:4e:30:75:3a:4a:41:b6

answered 04 Jul '17, 02:19

Uli's gravatar image

accept rate: 29%

edited 04 Jul '17, 12:15

This worked fine. Thanks for the information. Pat

(18 Aug '17, 13:45) patgrogan_ac...

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(18 Aug '17, 14:00) Jaap ♦