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MATIP Packet Analysis


HI, I am working on MATIP (port 350) over TCP/IP traffic analysis as per the RFC

Would be great if I can get the packet analyzer for MATIP. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

asked 10 Jul '17, 05:22

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accept rate: 0%

If you have some programming experience and you don't want to take the burden of rolling out a Wireshark development environment, you may use Lua to write your own dissector. The price is slower speed as compared to dissectors written in C, the advantage is the speed and simplicity of development.

(10 Jul '17, 05:48) sindy

If you want to have this protocol supported in some future Wireshark version open an enhancement bug (including sample capture(s)). Maybe someone will look after it.

There has been a patch for MATIP a long, long time ago, which hasn't been merged.

(10 Jul '17, 07:45) Uli