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Clicking in I/O Graph doesn’t show corresponding packet


Clicking in the I/O graph doesn't show the corresponding packet in the packet details window. Am I doing something wrong?

Version 2.2.7 (v2.2.7-0-g1861a96)

asked 18 Jul '17, 06:06

sampsont's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

2 Answers:


Possibly you've encountered Bug 10922, "wireshark QT could not jump to right time stamp in packet list pane upon clicking a point on IO graph if Time of day is selected."?

answered 18 Jul '17, 07:06

cmaynard's gravatar image

cmaynard ♦♦
accept rate: 20%


Is the Packet List display going to the wrong packet, or is it not moving at all? If you're using a line graph, the graph line will be continuous, but in order for Wireshark to change its position in the Packet List, there has to actually be a packet at the point on the graph that you clicked on. It's possible there aren't very many packets in that part of the file, and you are not actually clicking on a point where there is a packet.

To see exactly where the packets are, you could temporarily switch to the dot, square, or diamond graph type.

It's also possible that you have encountered Bug 12401, which will be fixed in v2.4.

answered 18 Jul '17, 08:32

Jim%20Aragon's gravatar image

Jim Aragon
accept rate: 24%

Thanks for your help!

(18 Jul '17, 10:53) sampsont

Your answer has been converted to a comment as that's how this site works. Please read the FAQ for more information.

I'm not sure which of us you were thanking, so I moved your comment under Jim's answer.

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(18 Jul '17, 11:47) cmaynard ♦♦