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Dev enviroment qt5widgets.dll conflict type


I am trying to build a wireshark dev environment and I am having trouble with the msbuild step. I want to build a 32-bit version but I get an error that says

"Qt5Widgets.lib(Qt5Widgets.dll): fatal error LNK1112: module machine type 'x64' conflicts with target machine type 'x86'"

I downloaded the 32 bit version of qt and I set the QT5_BASE_DIR to the appropriate version. also WIRESHARK_TARGET_PLATFORM=win32 and I am using VS2013 x86 command prompt.

I had successfully built a 64 bit wireshark version, but now am having trouble building the 32 bit version.

asked 04 Aug '17, 09:16

allantse's gravatar image

accept rate: 100%

What version of wireshark ate you building? And which version of CMake are you using?

(04 Aug '17, 09:24) Anders ♦

wireshark version 2.2.7 and cmake 3.5.2 win32

(04 Aug '17, 09:30) allantse

You shouldn't have to set WIRESHARK_TARGET_PLATFORM any more. It was necessary when we were still using Nmake, but the target platform should be determined by the VS environment variables and the CMake generator (-G).

(04 Aug '17, 10:03) Gerald Combs ♦♦

One Answer:


ah- I figured it out. I had mistakenly generated the build files earlier while setting the qt5_base_dir to the wrong 64bit version. I had to delete first then regenerate these files with the correct qt5 version.

answered 04 Aug '17, 09:37

allantse's gravatar image

accept rate: 100%

Please accept your own answer as the correct one, it may help others.

(04 Aug '17, 09:41) Anders ♦