Hi we get a *.cap file from microsoft Network monitor3.x tools. but it's too large for analysis. when we want to split those file by editcap.exe but no file create. editcap -c 5000 -F netmon2 D:\MicrosoftNTP.cap D:\temp how to specify the input file type of editcap . the -T -F parameter is only used for output file. asked 18 Aug '17, 05:07 neil_hao |
One Answer:
You can't. Because you don't have to. The library that Wireshark, TShark, editcap, capinfos, etc. uses to read capture files figures out the file type for you. answered 18 Aug '17, 21:28 Guy Harris ♦♦ |
thanks, but how to split this file by tshark? after we run script "editcap -c 5000 -F netmon2 D:\MicrosoftNTP.cap D:\temp", the output file is broken and cant opened by wireshark
That would therefore be a bug in editcap - if it writes a file that can't be read by Wireshark, that's a bug.
Please file a but on the Wireshark Bugzilla, and attach the input file you're using, so we can try to reproduce it.